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Story by Subaru: 27th January 2000


Italy, a country renowned for its passion for cars - and loyalty to local manufacturers - is about to see its autostradas policed by 600 Subaru Legacy estates.

Subaru’s exceptional handling, roadholding and all-wheel drive traction persuaded Italy’s Traffic Police to order the latest Legacy 2.5 litre GX model.

Italian Traffic Police Choose 600 Legacy Estates

The Japanese marque won the contract following extensive testing against rival manufacturers on special test tracks devised by Italy’s Armed Forces.

The cars will be operated mainly in Southern Italy in the Appenine, Piemonte and Emilia-Romagna areas and the officers are receiving intensive speed control training to ensure they fully exploit the Subaru’s active safety benefits.

Many Legacys will be equipped with what the Italians claim is the best police satellite transmitter-receiver equipment in the whole of Europe - funded by a grant from the European Community.

The sophisticated equipment is constantly in contact with the operating unit of the Ministry of the Interior in Rome and includes a satellite cellular ‘phone with automatic commutator and GPS tracer and portable computer. In addition, different digital messages can be flashed on the cars’ roof-mounted traffic signs.